Showing posts with label Aloo methi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aloo methi. Show all posts

Dec 23, 2009

Aloo Methi

This is another side dish I tried and got the recipe from Rak's Kitchen. I tried to follow the same recipe of hers except few changes I made to suit our taste. Here goes the recipe...

  1. Potato - 2 cups (chopped into cubes)
  2. Onion - 1
  3. Methi Leaves - 1 cup (wash it & finely chopped)
  4. Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp
  5. salt to taste
  6. Curry powder - 1 tsp (acc to taste)
  7. Oil - 2 tsp
  8. Cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp
  9. Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp
  10. Green onion - 2 tsp (chopped for garnishing)
Put the chopped potato in a microwave safe bowl, add required amount of water and microwave it till its 3/4th done. In the mean time, preheat oil in a pan, splutter mustard and cumin seeds, add chopped onion and saute for few minutes till it becomes transparent. Now add the washed/chopped methi leaves and saute till it is fully cooked. Add turmeric powder, curry powder and salt at this time. Add the 3/4th cooked potato pieces, sprinkle 1/4 cup (or required amount) of water and cook till potato turns golden brown. Garnish it with chopped green onion and serve it with roti/chapathi or with rice.