Showing posts with label Carrot halwa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carrot halwa. Show all posts

Oct 8, 2008

Carrot Halwa

This is something I wanted to make after seeing Rashmi's blog. I usually make quick carrot halwa with leftover carrots from carrot rice. This time I used fresh carrots to make this halwa. This is the first time I am trying, so I used only one carrot. Here is the recipe I followed.

  1. Carrots - 1 or 1 cup shredded
  2. Milk - 2 cups
  3. Sugar - 1 cup
  4. pachakarpooram - a pinch
  5. Cashews - for garnishing.
  6. Ghee - 2 tsp

First take a pan, put the shredded carrots, add a cup of milk and let the carrots cook in the milk under medium flame. When it is 3/4 cooked, add the remaining milk little by little, add sugar and pachakarpooram and let it cook finely. Now add the ghee on top of it and mix it well. Stir continuously and turn off the stove when everything form like a ball. In the mean time, fry cashews to golden brown and add it to the halwa. Since I added more milk, it taste like a pal therattupal.

Mar 13, 2008

Quick Carrot Halwa

This is not the traditional carrot halwa in which we use milk. This is a quick carrot halwa which I myself learnt it last week. I was making Carrot rice for dinner. While making this rice, we grind the carrot and get the juice out of it and we use only the juice and not the grinded carrots. After finishing my work, I saw a lot of left over grinded carrots. Thought of making a dessert. It came out really well and my toddlers finished it very quicky thinking its rava kesari. Here is the receipe.

  1. Shredded or grinded Carrot - 1 cup
  2. Sugar - 1 1/2 cup (acc to taste)
  3. Water - 1/2 cup
  4. Ghee - 5 tbsp
  5. Cardamom powder - a pinch
  6. Pachakarpooram - a pinch
  7. Cashews - 4 or 5
If you are taking the left over carrot, just put the sugar, water, carrot, cardamom powder and pachakarpooram in a microwave safe vessel and microwave it for 5 mts. Take it out and stir it well and pour 2 tbsp of ghee in it and again microwave it for another 3 to 5 mts. It will be ready by then. Take it out pour the 2tbsp ghee and keep it aside and let it cool. Take a pan, pre heat the remaining ghee and fry the cashews to golden brown. Pour it on top of the halwa! Try this and lemme know your comments