Showing posts with label Event. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Event. Show all posts

Jan 29, 2016

Oatmeal - Breakfast in a bottle!

This is again another healthy breakfast recipe I tried yesterday.  I got the motivation from Pavithra's Facebook pictures.  Oatmeal is my almost everyday breakfast. I will just fill the one minute oats in a box and take it along to work and cook it there and eat it along with 6 or 7 almonds.  Now a days after so many beautiful pictures of mason jar breakfast ideas online, I really wanted to try making my own mason jar breakfast. When I was in the middle of filling the bottle, my girls got curious and wanted to make their own breakfast bowl.  I used an empty honey bottle to make this dish. Here is what I did.

Jan 25, 2016

Vegetable Idly

This is a very easy breakfast recipe I made for my girls.  If you have Idly batter ready, it will just take less than 10 minutes to prepare and 10 minutes to steam the idly. Here goes the recipe.

Mar 17, 2014

Potato-Quinoa Tikki

I got the idea of making this tikki after going through a post in  I know that making a tikki needs patience and I am not that good in making this one so far.  The post I saw was a Quinoa & beef patty.  I just took the idea of using quinoa in making tikki and used it here as per my whims and fancies. Here goes the recipe for making Quinoa-Potato Tikki.


  1. Cooked Quinoa - 1/2 cup
  2. Medium sized potato - 1 (boil and mash it)
  3. Onion - 1/4 cup finely chopped
  4. Green peas - 1/4 cup ( I used frozen peas, cook it in microwave accordingly)
  5. Coriander leaves - 1/4 cup finely chopped 
  6. Salt to taste
  7. Ajwain/omam - 1/2 tsp
  8. Chilli powder - 1 tsp (acc to taste
  9. Garam Masala powder - 1/2 tsp
  10. Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp (optional)
  11. Maida/Corn flour - for coating.
  12. Oil - 4 tbsp
    Quinoa-Potato Tikki

Mar 2, 2014

Instant Oats Idly

Instant Oats Idly
My dad got his green card last year and moved to USA mid last year.  He eats light dinner everyday and I try to make some light tiffin for him.  This instant oats idly is a recipe, I got from raks kitchen.  It came out pretty good and its very easy to make within half an hour. 

I am linking this oats idly to Priya's Healthy Diet - cooking with Whole grains event and this month it has been hosted by Nupur

Jan 15, 2013

Sweet Poli

There is a tradition in our family that we have to make this sweet poli for Bhogi festival.  I made this too and I blindly followed the recipe of Raks.  Visiting Raks Kitchen everyday is kinda ritual for me.

Jun 10, 2012

Black Gram Kachori / Karuppu Ulundhu Kachori

Again this is another recipe I borrowed from Priya's space. I always use this black gram while making Adai & Adai Kozhakattai. But this is absolutely new to me and it tasted very good. I am sending this post to Cooking with Seeds - Black Gram hosted by Shri of Tiffin Carrier Antic/que's, an event by Priya.

Jun 9, 2012

Nutella coffee Mug Cake - Microwave Version

I wanted to make this easy coffee mug cake a long time ago.  Recently Priya has posted the recipe for this cake. I just followed the same recipe and made this cake yesterday for my girls. The quantity she has mentioned was enough for both my little ones. I made it in two little mugs and they finished it pretty fast along with a dallop of ice cream on top it.
Here is the recipe:
  1. All Purpose Flour - 4 tbsp
  2. Oil -  3tbsp
  3. Egg - 1
  4. Nutella Hazelnut spread - 2 tbsp
  5. Baking powder - 1/2 tsp
  6. Sugar - 2 tbsp ( 4 tbsp in original recipe)
  7. Milk - 4 tbsp
 Mix everything in a bowl, without any lumps. Fill Half of the coffee mug with the batter and Microwave it for 1 or 1 1/2 minutes  in high temperature.

I am sending this Nutella coffee mug cake for this month's Microwave cooking event, hosted by Priya, an event by Srivalli.

Jul 19, 2011

Boca Patty Burger

 This is a all time favorite burger of our family. All four us like this burger. We usually buy frozen boca patties from costco and use it. When I first came to US,  I really have no idea about sandwiches or burgers. My husband used to make these burgers before and happily agreed to teach me when I got interest in learning one. Here is how we make this burger.

  1. Burger Bun - 1
  2. Butter - to spread
  3. Fat Free Mayo - 1 tsp (just enough to spread)
  4. Tomato Ketchup -  enough to spread
  5. Yellow Mustard - 1/2 tsp (my kids dont like this taste)
  6. Cheese singles -1
  7. Boca patty - 1
  8. Tomato - couple of sliced pieces
  9. Onion - thinly sliced couple of pieces
  10. Lettuce - 3 leaves (optional)
  11. Pickle pepper - 1 or 2 (optional)
Thaw the frozen patty for few  minutes before you cook them. Take a non-stick skillet and cook the patty, both sides in low flame. in the mean time, half toast the bun (optional), spread butter, mayo, ketchup and mustard, one by one and spread it evenly on both the buns. Arrange the vegetables, lettuce & pickle pepper (if you have one), cheese slice and wait for the patty to be done. when the patty is fully cooked, place it on one side and cover it with other half of the bun. Leave it for few seconds so that the cheese gets melted. Now boca patty burger is ready to serve.

This is my last entry for Srivalli's Sandwich Mela.

Jul 5, 2011

Strawberry Sandwich

If you love to eat strawberry, then you should be loving this sandwich. I came across this sandwich recipe while reading a magazine. Forgot the name of the author. But its from family circle magazine couple of years old edition..  One of my twin loves to eat strawberries in any form. After seeing that recipe, I wanted to try it with my girlie. She really liked it too.  Its one of the easiest recipe I have ever made and the taste was awesome...Here goes the recipe...

  1. Whole wheat Bread Slices - 2
  2. Butter - to Spread
  3. Strawberries - 2 or 3 (depending upon the size)
Toast the bread to light brown. Cut the strawberries to small pieces. Spread the butter on the both the breads.  Keep the strawberry pieces on top of one and cover it with other bread.

I am sending this to Srivalli 's Sandwich Mela.

Nov 30, 2010

Garbanzo Oats Vadai..

I got the idea of making these vadai after seeing Priya's post, Chickpea bread masal Vadai.  It came out pretty good. Here goes the recipe.

  1. Garbanzo Beans - 1 cup
  2. Instant oats - 1/4 cup
  3. Green chillies - 3 (acc to taste)
  4. Onion - 1 Medium sized (finely chopped)
  5. Coriander leaves - 2 tbsp (chopped)
  6. Salt to taste
  7. Ajwain -  a pinch
  8. Fennel seeds - 1/4 tsp
  9. Corn flour - 2 tsp
  10. Oil -  to deep fry
Soak garbanzo beans for four hours.  Pressure cook it. Let it cool. Grind it coarsely. Now add instant oats, salt, chopped onion, chillies, coriander leaves, corn flour, ajwain & fennel seeds and make it a soft dought. Sprinkle water if necessary.  Pre heat oil. Take required amount of dough to make one vada, flatten it and deep fry it till it becomes golden brown.

Vadais didn't come out well first. Then I added two teaspoons corn flour to the batter and it came out pretty good..

This recipe goes to T&T hosting by PJ, an event by Lakshmi

I replaced bread with oats and skipped garlic pods cos my kiddos are not excited about garlic.

Nov 25, 2010

T&T from Priya's EasynTasty Recipes

I love to try recipes from Priya's blog. There are few I tried from her space. Here I am posting her Garlic Potatoes recipe which I tried from her place. I am sending this recipe to T&T hosted by PJ, an event by Lakshmi.

Garlic Potatoes

Reposting for Only-Chaat Event

I am reposting my Pav Bhaji recipe for Pari's 'Only' - Chaat Event.

Pav Bhaji

Sep 8, 2010

Reposting for Healing Food - Beetroot Event

Instead of updating the archived post I thought of resposting it and it works out easy for everyone to check out the recipe.

I am sending my simple Beetroot - Onion Curry & Beetroot Vadai
to Siri's Healing Food event, hosting by Priya.

Beetroot curry
Beetroot Vadai