Showing posts with label chutneys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chutneys. Show all posts

Jul 30, 2008

Dangar Chutney

As we all know dangar pachadi is something we make as a side dish for rice. This is something called dangar chutney. Here is the recipe.

  1. Urad dhall - 5 tbsp
  2. Green chillies - 3 (acc to taste)
  3. Ginger - a small piece
  4. Coconut - 2 tbsp
  5. Salt to taste
First fry urad dhall to golden brown and let it cool. Grind it into a fine powder. Now grind coconut + green chillies + ginger + salt into a fine paste. Add urad dhall powder and mix it well. Finally add water to adjust consistency. Serve it with Pesarattu dosai, Adai as a side dish.

Jul 29, 2008

Channa Dhall chutney

This is something my grandma and my MIL prepares. I have not tried this yet. So this recipe is from my MIL. Here is the recipe.

  1. Channa dhall - 1 cup
  2. coconut - 2 tbsp
  3. Red chillies - 3 (acc to taste)
  4. Mustard seeds- 1/2 tsp
  5. Urad dhall - 1/4 tsp
  6. Oil - 1 tsp
First fry channa dhall in a dry pan till it becomes pinkish in color. Let it cool and soak it in water. Let it soak for half an hour. Pre heat remaining oil in a pan, splutter mustard seeds, fry urad dhall, red chillies and coconut till it becomes golden brown. Let it cool. After half an hour, drain it and grind everything nicely. Add water to adjust the chutney consistency. This is again a side dish for idly and dosa.

MInt Chutney

This is my favorite chutney. Here is the recipe I follow to make mint chutney.

  1. Mint Leaves - 1/2 cup
  2. Coriander leaves - 1/2 cup
  3. coconut - 3 tbsp
  4. Green Chillies - 2 (acc to taste)
  5. Dalia split - 2 tbsp
  6. Tomato - 1 (finely chopped)
  7. Onion - 3/4 (finely chopped)
  8. Salt to taste
For Seasoning:-
  1. Oil - 1 tsp
  2. Mustard seeds - 1/4 tsp
  3. Urad dhall - 1/2 tsp
  4. Asafoetida powder - a pinch.
Pre heat pan, pour a drop of oil, fry onion till it becomes transparent, add tomato and saute till its 3/4th cooked. Keep it aside. Now fry coconut to golden brown and keep it aside. In the same pan, saute coriander leaves for 2 mts and finally saute mint leaves till it becomes tender and soft. Let everything cool and grind italong with green chillies, dalia split and salt, into a fine paste. Add water to adjust consistency. This is mint chutney. Now preheat the remaining oil, splutter mustard seeds, fry urad dhall to golden brown. Add asafoetida powder and fry it for a second and pour it on top of chutney. Those who like to eat mint leaves rice, can mix this with rice and can eat it. This can be a wonderful side dish for idly or dosa.

Jul 28, 2008

Onion Chutney and an award

I got the recipe from a blog (forgot the name) long back. Here is the recipe.

  1. Onion - 2
  2. Red chillies - 3 (acc to taste)
  3. Salt to taste
  4. Oil - 2 tsp
This is very very simple to make. But I love the taste of this chutney. Pre heat oil in a pan, add onion, red chillies and salt and fry it till it becomes transparant. Let it cool and grind it into a fine paste. Add water to adjust the consistency. Enjoy it with hot idllies or dosa.

Anisheetu of My Kitchen passed me this award. Thanks Anisheetu.
The following rules apply to this award:

1. Only 5 people are allowed to receive this award
2. 4 of them followers of your blog.
3. One has to be new to your blog and live in another part of the world.
4. You must link back to who ever gave you the award.

Passing this award to Rashmi, Sangeeta, Uncle Che, Suganthi and Hirfoan Khan

Jul 27, 2008

Coriander Leaves chutney 2

This is something which my MIL prepares occasionally. Here is the recipe.

  1. Coriander leaves - 1 cup
  2. Onion - 3/4 (finely chopped)
  3. Garlic - 1 clove (chop it)
  4. Green chillies - 2 (acc to taste)
  5. Red chillies - 1
  6. Coconut - 3 tbsp
  7. Ginger - a small piece (optional)
  8. Salt to taste
  9. Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp
  10. Urad dhall - 3/4 tsp
  11. Oil - 1 tsp
Pre heat oil, splutter mustard seeds, fry urad dhall, red chillies to golden brown. Keep it aside. Fry onion till it becomes transparant. Keep it aside. Fry garlic to golden brown. Fry coconut till golden brown, keep it aside. Finally fry coriander leaves for 3 to 5 mts. Let everything cool and grind everything nicely. Add water to adjust the consistency. Serve it as a sidedish for idly or dosa.

Jul 25, 2008

Tomato chutney

My co-sister makes this very often. I like her version of tomato chutney. Here is how she makes.

  1. Tomato - 2 (chop it)
  2. Onion - 1 (chop it)
  3. Coriander seeds - 1 tbsp
  4. Channa dhall - 1 tsp
  5. Urad dhall - 2 tsp
  6. Mustard seeds - 1 tsp
  7. Red chillies - 2
  8. Coconut - 2 tbsp (optional)***
  9. Salt to taste
  10. Oil - 1 tsp
Take a pan, pre heat oil, add mustard seeds, when it splutters add urad dhall, channa dhall, coriander seeds, coconut and red chillies one by one and fry it till golden brown. Change it to a small vessel. Now in the same pan, add onion and fry it till it becomes transperant. Add tomato and salt to onion and saute for another 2 mts. Let everything cool. Grind it into fine paste adding required amount of water to adjust the consistency. Serve it as a side dish for idly or dosa.

*** - Other than coconut chutney, I usually avoid using coconut for making chutneys. Instead increase the quantity of dalia split. Taste will definitely differ.

Jul 24, 2008

Coriander Leaves Chutney

Kothamalli chutney - this is how we call this chutney. I like to eat hot and soft idllies with a dallop of coriander leaves chutney. Here is the recipe for making coriander chutney.

  1. Fresh grated coconut - 1/2 cup
  2. Dalia split peas - 3 tbsp
  3. Coriander leaves - 1 cup (washed and finely chopped)
  4. Green chillies - 2 (acc to taste)
  5. Ginger - a small piece
  6. Salt to taste
For seasoning:-
  1. Oil - 1 tsp
  2. Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp
  3. Urad dhall - 1/2 tsp
  4. Asafoetida powder - a pinch
Grind coconut + coriander leaves + ginger + green chillies + dalia split peas + salt, to a fine paste. Add water to adjust the required consistency. Take a small pan, pre heat oil, splutter mustard seeds, add urad dhall and asafoetida powder and fry it till golden brown and pour it on top of chutney. Serve it with hot Idly or dosa.

Here is an award from Rashmi. She has given me this friendship award. Thanks Rashmi.
I would like to pass this on to
  1. Vani of Illatharasi
  2. Sangeeta of Direct from Sangeeta's kitchen
  3. Gayathri - Newyork Visitor
  4. Hirfoan Khan - Real Traffic
Another one is Magic lamp of luck....

The mighty Genie King and the beautiful Genie Princess from the magical Land of Faraway are back! Upon escaping the clutches of their Evil Master after being held captive for 1000 years, the magical genies have been busy flying on their Magical Flying Carpet, granting wishes and spreading love throughout the blogosphere.And now, the genies are back with a special gift for everyone! Behold the sacred, Magic Lamp of Luck! With this magic lamp, your blog will enjoy much good luck and fortune, warding off all things evil lurking around in the blogosphere. We would like to share this magic lamp with you so please pass on the Magic Lamp of Luck to those in need of some good luck. Remember, do not be greedy or unkind, evil or vengeful and good luck & fortune will always be with you! Join us on another exciting magical adventure as we spread goodwill and good luck to one and all! Master List :

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Would like to pass this on to
  1. Gayathri - Athoughtful Day
  2. Sangeeta - Worldinurpocket
  3. Vani - Illatharasi

Coconut chutney 2

This is another way of making this chutney. I learned this from one of my friend. This is my favorite side dish for idly, dosa, upma and pongal. Here is the recipe.


  1. Fresh coconut - 1 cup
  2. Dalia split - 2 tbsp
  3. Green chillies - 2 (acc to taste)
  4. Ginger - a small piece
  5. Salt to taste

For seasoning:-
  1. Oil - 1 tsp
  2. Mustard seeds - 1/4 tsp
  3. urad dhall - 1/2 tsp
  4. Onion - 1/2 (finely chopped)
  5. Curry leaves - few
  6. Asafoetida powder - a pinch
Grind coconut + Dalia peas + green chillies + ginger + salt, to fine paste adding required amount of water. This is chutney. While seasoning,take a small pan, pre heat oil, splutter mustard seeds, add urad dhall and asafoetida powder and fry it till golden brown. Now add the chopped onion and curry leaves and saute till onion becomes transperant. Pour it on top of chutney. This kind of seasoning is new to me. But I like this kind too.

Coconut Chutney

This is my favorite side dish for idly, dosa, upma and pongal. Here is the recipe.

  1. Fresh coconut - 1 cup
  2. Dalia split - 2 tbsp
  3. Green chillies - 2 (acc to taste)
  4. Ginger - a small piece
  5. Salt to taste

For seasoning:-
  1. Oil - 1 tsp
  2. Mustard seeds - 1/4 tsp
  3. urad dhall - 1/2 tsp
  4. Asafoetida powder - a pinch
Grind coconut + Dalia peas + green chillies + ginger + salt, to fine paste adding required amount of water. This is chutney. For seasoning,take a small pan, pre heat oil, splutter mustard seeds, add urad dhall and asafoetida powder and fry it till golden brown. Pour it on top of chutney. Seasoning is optional. This is the traditional coconut chutney we make.